Denim 2050 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | API-CF/SF - Scope Lubricants and Grease Manufacturer



United Grease & Lubricants Co. LLC with its brand name 'SCOPE' was established in the year 2001. The plant has undergone a series of developments and expansion and is now one of the most technologically advance plants in the middle east.


Denim 2050 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | API-CF/SF

Denim 2050 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | API-CF/SF

Denim 2050 is high-performance mineral diesel engine oil formulated from the latest additive technology and carefully selected mineral base stocks. Denim 2050 has been specially developed for all, diesel-fuelled engines of high-speed diesel engines with turbochargers and light commercial vehicles. 

Denim 2050 – API CF/SF


Scope Denim 2050 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil | API-CF/SF

Denim 2050 is high-performance mineral diesel engine oil formulated from the latest additive technology and carefully selected mineral base stocks. Denim 2050 has been specially developed for all, diesel-fuelled engines of high-speed diesel engines with turbochargers and light commercial vehicles. 

Main Benefits

  • Denim 2050 has been designed to exceed the requirements of the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) service fill specifications.
  • Denim 2050 has very good thermo-oxidative stability, effectively preventing the formation of sludge and deposits, resulting in a prolonged engine life. 


Denim 2050 is recommended for all modern vehicles, including high-performance, turbo-charged, multi-valve, direct-injected diesel-fuelled engines of high-speed diesel engines and light commercial vehicles.  



API CF/SF/CF-2 MIL-L-2104D, MIL-L-46152C, Mercedes Benz 227.0(1), General Motors Allison C-3, CCMS D1/D2, MAN 270 and Caterpillar TO-2

Typical Physical Characteristics

Property Test Method Typical Values
SAE Viscosity Grades SAE J300 15W-40 20W50 40 50
Density @ 15°C kg/m3 ASTM D4052 880 888 896 898
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C mm2/s ASTM D7042 114 172 157 242
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C mm2/s ASTM D7042 15.0 19.0 15.0 20.0
Viscosity Index  ASTM D2270 142 125 95 95
Flash Point (COC) °C ASTM D92 226°C 236°C 250°C 260°C
Pour Point °C ASTM D97 -30 -27 -15 -12
Total Base Number (TBN) mgKOH/g ASTM D2896 10 10 10 10
P.Code 1105 1106 1107 1108

Denim 2050 exceeds the requirements of most modern car manufacturers.



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