Lumix 9000 | Synthetic Gasoline Engine Oil | SM/CF - Scope Lubricants and Grease Manufacturer



United Grease & Lubricants Co. LLC with its brand name 'SCOPE' was established in the year 2001. The plant has undergone a series of developments and expansion and is now one of the most technologically advance plants in the middle east.


Lumix 9000 | Synthetic Gasoline Engine Oil | SM/CF

Lumix 9000 | Synthetic Gasoline Engine Oil | SM/CF

Lumix 9000 has been formulated for the latest on-road, high-performance turbocharged engines designed to meet API SM industry requirements. These engine oils represent a more severe application for the lubricant in terms of wear and deposit. It provides outstanding protection against engine wear under high temperatures and high engine speed conditions. It is blended from Premium quality synthetic base components, highly shear stable viscosity modifiers and Premium tier additive packages suitable for normal SAPS requirements formulations.


Lumix 9000 | Synthetic Gasoline Engine Oil | SM/CF

Lumix 9000 has been formulated for the latest on-road, high-performance turbocharged engines designed to meet API SM industry requirements. These engine oils represent a more severe application for the lubricant in terms of wear and deposit. It provides outstanding protection against engine wear under high temperatures and high engine speed conditions. It is blended from Premium quality synthetic base components, highly shear stable viscosity modifiers and Premium tier additive packages suitable for normal SAPS requirements formulations.

Main benefits

  • Excellent oxidation resistance
  • Excellent low-temperature flow characteristics
  • Excellent detergency and high dispersancy – keeps the engine clean under all conditions.
  • Exceptional thermal stability
  • Low oil consumption
  • Protects against rust and corrosion.




Typical Physical Characteristics

Test Test Method API :SM
SAE Viscosity Grades 10W30 10W40 20W/40
Density @ 15ºC, Kg/ Ltrs D-4052 0.852 0.855 0.860
Kinematic Viscosity

@40ºC       cSt

@100ºC cSt

D-445D-445 72.0






Viscosity Index D-2270 149 158 117
TBN,mg/KOH/gm D-2896 7.0 7.0 7.0
Pour Point, ºC D-97 -36 -36 -27
Flash Point, ºC D-92 220 236 240
Sulphated Ash % wt D-874 0.8 0.8 0.8
Foam Vol Tend/Stb Seq I,SeqII,Seq III D-892 0/0,0/0,0/0 0/0,0/0,0/0 0/0,0/0,0/0
Apparent viscosity by CCS,cP D-5293 6000

@-25 ºC







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